Keywords: editorial


The medical academic environment is enriched by any valuable publishing, by any scientific
research based on principles of ethics and legality. They reflect teaching, academic, professional
endeavors of the university’s medical corps, along with a sustained activity in different areas from
medical health professionals.
The magazine we are all building, as a link in the journalistic activity of UMF “Carol Davila”
Bucharest, is a bridge between clinical experience, basic research, clinical practice and teaching
spirit. Our efforts must converge in expressing our professional efforts in generating top works that
respect the basic principles of writing a medical article using all the available publicist means.
If the editors of this magazine respect the ethics and deontology required to obtain quality
standards, the journal’s success will be obvious and immediate. The indexation in international
databases, the access to the Thompson Reuters database, the recognition of cited articles published
in this magazine must be fundamental desiderata of an effective and competent peer review, of a
rigorous selection and of an appropriate publication, in an elite format.
As Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol
Davila” Bucharest I have the purpose to encourage students, young physicians, researchers and
teachers (whether they are assistant professors or teaching professionals) towards an active
participation, labor and ideas emergence for the success of this medical journal.
Together we can build a successful magazine, through solidarity, efficiency and

How to Cite
F. CÎRSTOIU, “EDITORIAL”, JSS, vol. 3, no. 4, p. 163, Oct. 2016.