• Radu Palade
Keywords: speciality


Surgery is perhaps the most complex and difficult clinical activity of all medical specialties, becoming in most cases the last possibility for diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases.

Before deciding for surgery as specialization, the candidate must make a serious analysis of self consciousness as Socrates’ saying goes : Gnosi te auton.

In this sense, the candidate must question himself and find his own answers to the following aspects:

  • is he really decided to work in this specialty?
  • is he aware of his true psychic and physical resistance to face all difficult trials, sometimes even tragically, to which this specialty will submit him?
  • is he able to establish a spiritual connection with any patient without making any difference among them or among different diseases?
  • is he able to face all possible clinical postoperatory complications as consequence of the surgical activity?
  • is he able to think reasonably and at the same time, find the most adequate words to avoid hurting physically the patient more than he is already hurt by his physical disease?

The first step in surgical formation, should begin during the years of university studies, by creating a background of knowledge as rich as possible in the purpose of obtaining a solid general medical education. The knowledge gained will help the young candidate to understand the context in which a pathological process is developing as well as to establish a precise and complete diagnosis.

After universitary studies, the medical education will be dedicated to the field of pathology, closely connected to the targeted specialization.

During this period it is very important for the candidate to assimilate as much as possible the clinical method for examination, the paraclinical investigations, the statement of diagnosis. For the beginning it is very important for the candidate to carry on a solid practical activity under the permanent control of a magister with high teaching experience, professional competence and responsibility.

The most difficult but the most spectacular aspect of the surgical specialization process is performed in the operation room where the candidate can offer the specific treatment for a certain disease which has been submitted to a surgical process.

This practice of surgical activity requires a complex of behavioral, rational and attitude factors, as well as a manual ability and practical experience, which can not be acquired otherwise than by direct participating to a high number and different sorts of surgical interventions.

As far as these desiderata will be accomplished, the candidate will be able to pass to a higher step of surgical education, becoming first-operator but for the beginning this activity will be compulsory submitted to the surveillance and help of the magister.

It is a very long and difficult way requiring devotion, patience, sacrifice and also determination.

It must be pointed out that for reaching a competent professional level, in surgical specialization, the candidate must be aware of his permanent  obligations:

  • to acquire continuous professional theoretical knowledge and new practical methods
  • to carry on a permanent clinical activity for learning new specific methodology of diagnosis and corresponding treatment
  • during his residential stages, to try to benefit as much as possible of the competent surgical professional media with high moral conduct as well as of a judicious assistance in the purpose of acquiring a solid education and ability in the specialty as well as a high complete experience in the operatory practice.

Omia fluunt, omnia mutantur!

The surgical education must be a continuous process because new modern methods of diagnosis and treatment are continuously coming at light and the specialists always have to be acquainted with the last progress in their specialties.

A big library provided with a good lot of specialty books, permanently completed with the last scientific publications, reviews, courses of postdoctoral trainings regarding the specialty and the related scientific areas of interest, a continuous concern for his academic development, always self-exceeding himself, must be the true desiderata of an authentic surgeon.

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